
Business Consulting

AVISSO offers specialized consulting services in business management and project management in private companies and public institutions that want to implement a high-performance management system:

  • Strategic organization of the company; 
  • Consultancy in the management of organizational processes; 
  • Consulting in the strategic management of the company.
  • Marketing research; 
  • Strategic marketing; 
  • Operational Marketing; 
  • Consulting in the launch of new products/services 
  • Public Appearances; 
  • Public Relations and Mass Media; 
  • Media Planning, Analysis and Monitoring; 
  • Corporate communication; 
  • Event communication; 
  • Copywriting and content management; 
  • Development and implementation of communication campaigns
  • Feasibility study of investment projects, including cost-benefit analysis and sensitivity analysis; 
  • Financial planning and forecasting including budgets and estimation of sales; 
  • Business plans for internal and external purposes; 
  • Cash flow forecast; 
  • Advice in making capital investment decisions

Development of non-refundable investment projects

AVISSO provides extensive business consulting services. We understand the needs of our customers who want sustainable solutions for the development and consolidation of their company. Our experience and expertise recommend us for the development of non-refundable investment projects through the European Investment Fund. We offer:

Consultancy for accessing loans, guarantees and risk capital measures for innovative SMEs and research organizations that respond to market demands – through POC (Competitiveness Operational Program)

Consultancy for accessing guarantees from HORIZON 2020 resources, the European Investment Fund (EIF), the European Investment Bank (EIB), the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) in collaboration with the EIB/EIF as well as advice for obtaining loans aimed at growth productivity, innovation and the ability of SMEs to develop in regional, national and international markets;

Consulting for the revival of investments in strategic projects through the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI); The EFSI provides public guarantees for high-risk private investment projects in strategic areas such as transport and telecommunications infrastructure, energy efficiency, research, education and innovation, and also provides loans to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and companies with fewer than 3,000 employees.

Project management

Experience and expertise recommend us for the development of investment projects with non-refundable financing. We manage grant projects and offer:

Access to financial lending institutions

AVISSO facilitates access to financial lending institutions, loan funds, guarantee schemes, guarantee institutions or other European financial institutions that provide loans with European financing, through the following lines for different beneficiary segments:

Financial and accounting services

Through integrated business solutions, AVISSO offers specialized financial-accounting services:

The team consists of specialists in assisting the accounting and financial function, each with expertise in managing large-scale projects for large companies but also for micro-enterprises or newly established companies. 


All services and solutions are provided with promptness and efficiency, the standard and professionalism being guaranteed by the implementation of the ISO:9001 quality management system and the membership of professional organizations such as the Body of Chartered Accountants and Chartered Accountants from Romania and the Chamber of Financial Auditors from Romania.

Human resources services

AVISSO offers outsourced personnel administration services and consultancy in the management and development of human resources in companies.

AVISSO ensures the increase in the quality of human resources within companies and improves the performance of employees through specialized services:

  • Manager training and development; 
  • Professional training accreditated by the National Qualifications Authority for the provision of vocational training courses (trainer, HR inspector, project manager, accountant).
  • AVISSO offers specialized services in the field of human resources accredited by the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection and the National Employment Agency.


Avisso has taken note of the EU GDPR Regulation since 2016 and as a result of the experience gained with clients during the years of actual activity in the field, we wanted to streamline the implementation process both in terms of costs and difficulty. 


Thus, we created the Avisso Smart GDPR digital platform that helps us implement the GDPR from A-Z, in the most professional manner possible at the moment on the European market. AVISSO SMART GDPR is the most complex online platform for customized GDPR services for your business. 


The platform is addressed both to DPO officers who want to streamline their work, and to entities that process personal data and want to outsource GDPR services. With the help of Avisso Smart GDPR, users have access to all GDPR-specific documents in an updated, complete and correct form, so as to fully comply with the provisions of the related legislative regulation.